April 2 What is Shawn’s Corner?
Teacher Training at International House Porto is committed to sharing new ideas and giving support to teachers in our area. We have a tradition of quality trainers who work hard to innovate and bring the best there is in English language teacher to our community. That’s why, on top of our extensive teacher training programme (Coffee@IH, You@IH and IT@IH), we are proud to introduce Shawn’s Corner!
In Shawn’s Corner, we will share tips, ideas, projects and food for thought as well as have mini-tutorials and provide links to good materials. In just a couple minutes, teachers can take away some new, motivating ideas. We’ll be in touch with you on a weekly basis, on Tuesdays. And then, we hope to see you at our Wednesday sessions. Please check out ihporto.org/pt/teacher-training-centre for more info and to sign up to attend!
Watch again on Facebook.
Shawn’s Corner Programme
April 9 The Giving Tree Project
April 16 Using TED Talks for Language Practice
April 23 Give a Kahoot! (intro)
April 30 Different kinds of Kahoots!
May 7 From student to teacher: Students helping make Kahoots!
May 14 Getting creative with video
May 21 Wordless picture books — a sneak peak
May 28 Getting grammar and language out of picture books
June 4 IT@IH for T’s: goals and opportunities
June 11 Using Prezi in speaking practice exercises
June 18 Focus on one of the “10 things to do in 2019”
June 25 IT@IH starts next week! Your chance to build your skills!